Friday, July 31, 2009

Mayan Prophecy

As we come upon the prophetic year of 2012, I would like to share some of my knowledge, understanding, intuitive insights, thoughts, observances and messages from my Angels and Spirit Guides that I have received regarding this upcoming turning point in our present time, soon to be our history. I will start with the facts and then move onto the bigger picture as I see it unfolding.

Many ancient peoples all have a prophecy regarding the year 2012. The Mayans are the most known ancient culture associated with this prophecy because they are still to date the most accurate. The Mayans have the most accurate calendar to date. It is even more accurate than our own Gregorian calendar. They were masters of watching the stars and making predictions based on their observations. So not only were they excellent astronomers, they were master astrologists too. Other known people and cultures that have prophecies regarding 2012 are the Hopi Indians, the Maoris, the Zulu, the Aztecs, the Incas, the Pueblo Indians, Hindus, Egyptians, the I Ching, Nostradamus, Merlin, Edgar Cayce and many more. You can research this on your own. I am just focusing on the Mayan Calendar. The Mayan Calendar ends on December 21, 2012. This is as they say “The end of the world as we know it.” Like the REM song. Mind you, I didn’t say the end of the world, just the end of the world as we know it. According to the Mayans, about every 26,000 years this cycle happens. It is the end of one cycle or era and the beginning of a new one. We are heading into a new Evolutionary Era of Enlightenment. The Hopi say we will be leaving the fourth world and entering into the fifth world. The Mayans say that we will be rising into the fifth dimension of light and being light beings. The frequency of Mother Earth and her inhabitants are being raised. We will be operating at a higher frequency. The frequency of Conscious Awareness and Enlightenment, therefore, we will be “lighter”; light beings. Now is the time of the Awakening to this new energy of consciousness. People that do not match this new, higher frequency of vibration here on the planet will be leaving it . People who do not match this new frequency will leave this planet through illness, suicide, accidental death, catastrophes, etc. However, this doesn’t mean that everyone passing over to the other side is not a match. Some people have chosen to pass on at this time to be a guide and to help the others that will be passing on and leaving the planet in mass and some souls are leaving because they have finished what they came here to do and experience. As for the actual physical aspect of what will happen and what to expect is that this will be the first time in our lifetime and in Earth’s last 26,000 years that our Earth, the Sun, and the center of the Milky Way Galaxy (which is a black hole) will be in perfect alignment through the thirteenth Zodiac sign. No one knows what physical, geological effects this may have on the Earth. We may get sun bursts or we may just receive an energetic frequency wave burst from the center of the galaxy to raise our frequency here on planet Earth. There will also be a 3 day Solar Eclipse around this time, 12/21/2012, something we have never seen before, so don’t freak out when it is dark for three days and the Sun doesn’t shine. Also at this time the Earth’s poles will shift and actually, they have already been shifting for quite awhile but somewhere around this time or thereafter, this shift will be complete. This means that our North Pole will now be the South Pole and our South Pole will now be our North. Scientists have even said that this is going to happen. This is why we are seeing such drastic climate changes in a short time. I don’t know exactly when the shift of the poles was triggered but starting in the 1990’s things definitely started to speed up. During this time is when we started to really notice the glaciers melting and retreating and the climate getting warmer, etc. and this will continue until the pole shift is complete. (To all you global warming skeptics out there this does not mean that you should not still take better care of your planet and clean up Mother Earth. You don’t trash the thing that takes care of you and provides for you. As the sayings go . . . “You don’t bite the hand that feeds you” and “You don’t shit where you eat.” This does not dismiss the fact that we are destroying our Mother Earth and its inhabitants including ourselves and it is time to give back and start taking care of your Mother! Certain cultures have always known this. It is all about living in balance in everything you do. So if they took something from Mother Earth, they also gave something back. It is time that our modern culture start learning from their ancient wisdom).

Once the Earth’s poles shift this could change our electromagnetic field and really be detrimental to our animals, birds, sea life, etc.. because they rely on this for their direction. They tune into it and it guides and directs them. It is their built in GPS system. Not to mention that it would change our own sense of direction and GPS systems! The Earth’s electromagnetic field protects us from the Sun’s harmful excessive solar radiation and is created by the spinning of the Earth’s core and is then released through the Earth’s poles and creates a protective shield around our planet. The Earth’s electromagnetic field is already starting to disappear according to scientists. Our second shield or line of defense against the Sun’s radiation is our Ozone Layer and as we all know this has a big hole in it as well that has been getting larger over the years. These two holes, one in the electromagnetic field and one in the ozone layer, are probably connected and related. One theory by scientists is that this “letting down” of our shields is most likely a necessary process in order for the Pole shift to occur. However, my intuition/knowing is that it is necessary for our shields to be down in order for us to be able to receive our universal upgrade of frequency raising energy from the center of the Milky Way Galaxy during the alignment of our Earth, the Sun and the center of the galaxy on and around 12/21/2012. There will and already have been other Earth changes that will occur due to this pole shifting process. These Earth changes have been going on for millennia and have sped up in the last few decades already and will continue to increase in frequency as we approach 2012. These Earth Changes include, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Tsunamis or Tidal Waves, Earthquakes, Volcano Eruptions, etc. which will in turn create rising sea levels, the loss of some land masses and the creation of new land masses from the sea. Some scientists and others are not sure if on this date 12/21/2012 if the Earth’s poles will switch quickly or not, and if they switch quickly, this could cause catastrophic events all over the globe. However, as I said before, I do not feel that this will be the case because these events have already been happening and the climate is already warming and changing, the glaciers are melting etc., and I think this has been happening for awhile and will continue to happen just in more frequency up to 2012 and possibly beyond. So, I think it is a more gradual, slower shift in order for the people and the animals of the Earth to already be acclimated to the changes once the shift is complete. The key factor to remember is that it is going to get worse before it gets better but it will get better. There are plenty of books, TV shows, and information on all of this if you want to do further research for yourself. My feeling is that this is Mother Nature’s way of purging and healing herself, so she needs to release all of this pent up negative energy in order to start the healing process and this is what we are seeing now. Mother Earth is purging the old negative energies in order to make way for the new energies of higher frequency.

Now, I will share my observances of the bigger picture and the Spiritual, Enlightened aspect of all of this. After all, we are entering into a new Evolutionary Era of Enlightenment or a new Golden Age. We are now in the Age of Aquarius. All of that stuff in the sixties was the catalyst to this new age that we are entering into now. They knew and felt what was coming. The people of the sixties chose to come to this planet to incarnate at that time because they were light workers with a mission. To set forth a new age of Conscious Awareness. To be the catalyst for “The Awakening.” It is true, like the Beatles said, “All you need is love, love is all you need.” Over history, everyone has chosen to incarnate here on Earth with their own plan for their growth and experience while here. Some good and positive, and some perceived as bad and negative. Both are valid and useful and it is not for us to judge. We live in a reality of duality, so we have both positive and negative forces in our world. We would not know one without the other, so both are necessary for our learning and growth process here on Earth. Without the darkness we would not know the light and vice versa. It is the Yin/Yang of it all. However, we are finally learning from our mistakes after millions of years of trial and error, and moving towards a world of peace and understanding. So it seems, in the bigger picture that the good, positive side of the light is starting to take over. On a personal and individual scale we will all still have to overcome our negative thoughts and will still battle with our own personal balance of positive and negative thoughts and actions because of our living in this reality of duality, but overall globally it seems that our Universal Consciousness is becoming more consciously aware that we are all one, we are all connected and that we are all on a path to enlightenment individually and collectively. I notice this in many ways. As I observe the world today, it is quite noticeable that we are headed in a positive direction. More people are now into spiritual awareness than ever before. I see it everywhere. All over people are taking yoga, meditating, trying to find balance in their lives, looking within themselves for the answers, and trusting their intuition. This type of eastern thought has become mainstream. More people are turning to naturopaths, alternative medicine/therapies and healing techniques and going back to the wisdom and knowledge of the ancient ways, whether it is through herbs, essential oils, acupuncture, Ayurvedic medicine, Reiki or other types of energy healings, Shamanism or a combination of all of these. These people are trying to find inner peace, balance and healing in their lives and taking the responsibility for their own healing. People are realizing that to heal you have to heal wholistically. Your mind, body and spirit all have to be in alignment for healing to take place. There are more spiritual and self-help books, magazines, TV shows, and movies than ever before. Spiritual movies such as “What the Bleep do we Know” and “The Secret” and “The Shift.” People all over are more compassionate, kind, giving, understanding, and loving. TV studios have even figured this out and are creating shows that have a Win–Win outcome. These shows like Extreme Home Makeover, What Not to Wear, Biggest Loser, Clean House and Clean Sweep, Nanny 911, The Dog Whisperer, Green Planet shows, and many more are all helping people get control of their lives and get back on track while at the same time making money for the networks. This is what people want to see now. People want to see the good in the world and no longer want to focus on the negative. They want to see the kindness and compassion of people helping other people. These shows are helping people find balance in their lives again. That is what our reality is all about. Balance. Finding that balance in everything you do and within yourself. To find inner peace and peace worldwide you have to find that balance. You cannot go too far to the negative/dark side and you cannot go too far into the positive/light side. It is about staying somewhere in between, in what I call the gray area. If you have Lightness and Darkness, then the mix of those two colors or energies (black and white) is gray. Nothing is ever completely black and white. The colors of the Yin Yang Symbol are black on one side and white on the other side and what you don’t see is the in between color of gray when the two mesh in the middle. This is where I like to try to live, in the Gray Area. I would like to take a moment here and clarify something that I hear people say all too often and is definitely misinterpreted in my opinion. It is a quote from the Bible which goes “The meek shall inherit the earth” and is quoted quite often by people. Most often after I hear someone say this it is followed by their idea that this means the poor shall inherit the earth. Nowhere in this statement does it say poor people. The definition of meek is not poor people. The definition of meek is: not violent or strong but moderate. It is also defined as: enduring injury with patience and without resentment. I believe that this is the true definition meant for this statement. It means being moderate which is being in the middle, in balance. Not being too extreme one way or the other. I interpret the latter definition as meaning to have faith even when enduring suffering and not harboring anger over the suffering for we do not know the ultimate plan of the Universe and this suffering could be a blessing in disguise or could be for our own growth and life lessons. The life lesson could just be learning how to better exercise our God given gift of free will. After all, our free will is our ability to choose, to make choices and decisions in our lives. These choices have consequences and we have to learn how to live with the outcome of our choices. Not only how they affect you personally, but how they can affect other people as well. We have to learn, sometimes the hard way, to make better choices. As we get older we learn to choose more wisely and learn from our past mistakes. These are our life lessons. If we make a bad choice we must learn to make a better one the next time and to rectify it to the best of our ability and then to let it go and forgive yourself for your mistakes. Mistakes are human and necessary for our evolution. Mistakes are our greatest teachers. So do not dwell on them but move forward, love and forgive yourself for your mistakes and others for theirs. All we can do is learn from it and move on and do better the next time.

Throughout our history here on planet Earth, this has been our process. Learning and growing through trial and error. We are constantly learning from our mistakes. We are now at a crucial turning point in our history again to learn from our past and present conditions and to make the necessary changes. To choose again. To make new and more positive choices for the direction we want to take and for the future we want to create. We have now entered the Consciousness of Ethics and can see this unfolding everywhere. Within the United States and all over the world, there is a huge push for peace and environmental conservation. Anti-War and environmental protection groups are popping up in almost every country around the world. Here, in America, there is a push for more ethical business practices. People are tired of the greed and corruption within business Corporations of all types and are pushing for change and reform for these companies to be held accountable for their actions and to live up to the new standard of ethical practices and integrity demanded and expected by the people. This not only goes for businesses, financial institutions and corporations but into all facets of our lives. People are wanting more integrity in other people and every aspect of their lives. It goes back to us wanting to see and do good. No longer will greed and corruption be tolerated. The people want a Government that has integrity; they want integrity in all the systems in their lives be it business, financial, corporate or even on an individual, personal level.

Globally you can see the push for peace. People all over are fighting for liberation and human rights. In Iran the old and the new are now clashing. The youth want more freedom and women’s liberation while the old regime is still trying to dominate and hold onto its power. The old regime’s ideas and politics have no place in this world anymore and will not last much longer. The days of power driven, ego ridden megalomaniacs is over. We are entering into a world of harmony and peace. A world of balance. A world living in the Gray Zone. The old ways are no longer tolerated and are being replaced by the new era of the enlightened consciousness of balance, peace, love, kindness, compassion, understanding, acceptance and forgiveness. It is beautiful to watch all of this unfold. People are starting to realize that no matter what their religion or beliefs that it is all the same. We are all just taking different paths to get to the same mountain top. No matter what you want to call it or label it, God, Goddess, Allah, Yahweh, the Universe, Brahma, Chi, the Great Spirit, whatever, it is all the same. It is all the same divine universal energy. We are all the same. We are all one. We are human. The Human Race. We have more in common than we do differences. We all have moms, dads, sisters, brothers, family issues, music, dance, song, food, drink, joy, laughter, sadness, pain and love. We are all uniquely human and unique and beautiful within ourselves. Everyone is here for a reason and everyone has a unique gift and a purpose for being here. This may be difficult for us to see with our limiting human eyes and our natural instinct to judge people, situations, behaviors, etc. However, everyone has their reasons for what they do and how they act. Everyone you meet is struggling with their own battles and trying to figure things out as they go along just as you are. No matter what a person’s reasons are for doing something, to them they are valid and no matter what they do or what outcome unfolds from something, the universe has a plan. The Universe has the ultimate plan and can see this plan from all of time, the past, present and future. The Universe is infinite and eternal. So no matter what things look like down here to us, only the Universe knows the ultimate outcome. So do not judge just discern. There is a difference. There are a few definitions but I will cite the ones relevant to this context of topic. The Webster’s Dictionary defines them as follows: Judgment - the process of forming an opinion or evaluation by discerning and comparing; also, a proposition stating something believed or asserted.
Discern - to distinguish between; to recognize or identify as separate and distinct.
Discerning - revealing insight and understanding.
We have to discern our situations in order to make choices and decisions but we do not have to judge them. Ultimately, discerning is tapping into your intuition to make a decision. Using your “insight.” This is your intuition. If something doesn’t feel right to you then it is the wrong choice or decision for you. If it feels good and right to you then that is the correct choice for you.

So this is where we are headed. This is what the end of this 26,000 year cycle is all about. It is ending one evolutionary era or cycle ending on 12/21/2012 and entering into a new evolutionary era or new cycle of a more conscious, spiritual, enlightened way of being. So things are and will continue to get better. Right now we are going through the purging process and so things seem a little chaotic but just remember that it is always darkest before the dawn. All of the “gunk” has to come up to the surface to be released before the healing can take place. The old has to be purged and released for the new to come in. This purging will be complete soon. We have come so far in our growth and understanding in the last 26,000 years, imagine what it will be like the in the next 26,000 years. How much farther we will have come. We will probably be so enlightened that we will not even be in physical form anymore. We will just be pure intelligent and wise light energy. Soon enough we will be traveling to other planets and dimensions. We will be interstellar galactic travelers as well as interdimensional travelers. We will even be able to time travel and teleport. Other beings are already doing this and scientists have already had success in these experiments as well. Einstein even believed this possible and he was right.

The Mayan Calendar also states that this is the time to meet our neighbors. Most people say that this means meeting our Galactic neighbors, alien beings from other planets. I think this means meeting two kinds of “neighbors.” First, I think it does mean getting to know our Galactic neighbors on a more personal one to one basis. After all, the aliens are already here and have been visiting and living on our planet for thousands of years if not millions. There are many different groups and civilizations of alien beings that are here. Some look like us (human), some are “The Greys” (there are smaller greys and there are taller greys and these are two separate groups), some are more lizard like and some more bug like and some are like the greys in appearance except their skin looks more white. From what I have read and “know”, the Human aliens, the small greys and the white greys are all friendly and peaceful and trying to help us scientifically and are more spiritually enlightened. They are trying to help us save our planet through helping us with environmental conservation and “Green Technology” in order to help us clean up our planet from all the toxic damage we have done with clean, alternative, earth friendly technologies. After all they live here too. They are also trying to help us understand that we are all interconnected and what happens on this planet not only affects us but the whole universe as well. They are trying to help us learn from their own past mistakes of destruction to their own planets. That is why they are very concerned about our nuclear weapon technology. They do not want us to make the same mistakes some of them have that resulted in the total destruction of their planets and had a negative ripple effect throughout the universe. My intuition tells me that they are friendly and here to help and I have never felt threatened or afraid of them. These groups are not here to harm or destroy us. If this were the case, they would have already done it by now seeing as how they are much more technologically advanced than us. Their intent is to live in harmony and peace with us; after all we are all descendants of them. The taller “Greys” seem to have evolved with no emotions so they do not have empathy or sympathy and therefore, do not understand our human pain (physical or emotional) and they are the ones that may have more sinister intentions. As for the other types, the lizard like ones and the bug like ones, I am no expert. I don’t know what their intentions are. I haven’t read or heard too much about them. I obviously am a believer and follower of UFO sightings, reports and information but as I said before, I am no expert. There is a lot of information out there on this subject if you are interested. If you want to know more just Google it or watch the UFO shows on the History Channel and other TV channels and you will find more than enough information. I believe that they are here and have always been here. I actually think that this planet, our planet Earth, was originally colonized by many different alien groups who are all members of a Federation. This is information I received from my Angels and Guides. I was told by my guides, that there were 26 different groups that colonized Earth and that we are all descendants of these 26 original colonies of the Federation. So we are all alien mutt hybrids by this point. However, the Mayan Calendar does state that this is the time to meet our Galactic neighbors. They are already showing themselves more frequently lately. There have been more UFO sightings as of late than ever before. I think that they are getting us ready and prepared and getting us used to seeing them so that when they show up in the skies in mass soon, we will not be fearful and shocked. I had a dream years ago about this and I think that it will come to fruition soon. My dream was that I walked outside and all these people were looking up into the sky. So, I looked up and there were thousands and thousands of UFO Spacecraft covering the sky. They were all just sitting there hovering. They were not harming or messing with anyone except for the military planes trying to shoot them down. Other than that, they were not messing with commercial airlines or anyone or anything else. They continued to stay in the sky permanently, so that everyday you walked out of your house you could see them and we all got used to this and before long this became normal for us to see them hovering in the sky everyday. Now, I don’t know if this is literally going to happen like this dream or if this dream was more symbolic of a time coming soon when we will be used to being in contact with and seeing alien beings and spacecraft on a daily basis. I think it is the latter and I think the Mayans are right, that now is the time to meet them. I think they are coming out of the closet and it will be sooner than we think. Instead of making themselves known only to the few, soon they will make themselves known to everyone, to the whole planet. I have a theory that a lot of them work in or are in contact with the entertainment industry. I think the aliens are responsible for making Science Fiction mainstream with TV shows and movies like Star Trek, Star Wars, Stargate, etc. in order to get us used to these ideas, images and concepts so that we will be used to all of this when it actually becomes a reality in our everyday lives or the writers of these shows and books may just be tapping into the universal consciousness or cellular memory of their ancestry. Who knows but whichever way it came to us it is for our preparation of their unveiling of themselves.

My other interpretation of “meeting our neighbors” is that it also means meeting our other dimensional neighbors in the paranormal realm. This includes Ghosts and other entities as well as people opening up and becoming more comfortable with talking to the Angelic realms and other spiritual realms. People here on earth have always been in contact with these realms but it has now become a commonly accepted and mainstreamed belief and thought form. People are not afraid anymore to talk about their paranormal experiences and to get help for this phenomena if needed. This has also become more mainstreamed in our consciousness by books, TV shows and movies. There are more supernatural and paranormal shows on now than ever before like “The Ghost Whisperer,” “Ghost Hunters,” “Paranormal State,” “Lisa Williams,” “Supernatural,” “A Haunting,” “Haunted Travels,” “Rescue Mediums” and many more. I personally, have had a few encounters and experiences myself over the years but it also seems like almost everyone I talk to has had some sort of encounter with the other realms, whether it is with a relative who has passed on or just some other energy they encountered along the way.

The Mayans also say that now is the time of many guides or teachers. That there will no longer be the concept of one great prophet coming because we are all prophets of the new spiritual awareness. There will be no second coming of Christ/Jesus or anyone because we, collectively are the second coming. The second coming is us. The second coming is the new consciousness of awareness and enlightenment. As it has been said before, "We are the ones we've been waiting for." This is absolutely true. We will write the chapter for the next evolutionary era through our collective consciousness of choice, hopefully, with positive, peaceful choices with beneficial outcomes for the whole planet. I know we will.

So there will be no Apopcalypse. At least not yet. The only Apopcalypse will be the continued climate changes and earth changes due to the polar shift as well as the possibility of one last man made war of destruction in the next couple of years heading up to 2012. This is all just part of the final purging and releasing of the major negative energies within our governments and the planet. The darkness before a new dawn. (Some might consider this the Armageddon but I have a different view of what Armageddon means. The Armageddon, the great battle of the peoples of the earth, between the forces of good and evil is not about an external conflict but an internal one. This battle will be within yourself. The battle of the Armageddon is the "battle" of your own positve/good and negative/evil thoughts and finding the balance of the two dualities within yourself and learning how to overcome your own negative thought patterns. Once you find the balance within yourself and are in alignment/balance in mind, body and spirit then you will find balance externally, in the world around you.) After this, it will be up to us as to the direction we take. We decide our future reality as co-creators with the universe. If we choose to revert, to not keep up with and match the new, higher frequency of vibration on our planet, and choose a negative path of imbalance and destruction of ourselves, mother earth, and her inhabitants then there may be an Apopcalypse in our near future. I feel the next fifty years will be our determination. However, as I have been saying, I see us going the other way as I observe the path we are on now. I hope that we continue this path of getting back in balance and conscious awareness of our interconnectedness and the realization of the effects that our choices have on each other, the planet, and the universe. I forsee us continuing on the path of giving and assisting one another as well as trying to balance our existence with Mother Nature and all of her other inhabitants. As I see the bigger picture unfolding, I see us on a path of compassion, kindness, forgiveness, love and understanding. If this is the way we choose to continue, in alignment with the new frequecny, then I feel our existence here on Earth will be long and prosperous and there will be a long period of global peace and cooperation to look forward to. Think of it this way. The Universe has provided the outline for each level of our evolutionary growth and set it into motion but it has always been up to us (or mother nature before humans evolved or came to earth) to write the fine detail script within each level through our free will of choice. We have no limitations and infinite scenarios and outcomes that we can create within each level. The future is always infinite possibilities of probabilities. This is why our choices matter. It is very important that we take responsibility for our choices and their outcomes as I referenced earlier. We are now in the Consciousness of Ethics and will soon be entering the Consciousness of Co-Creation. This is why it is so important that we find balance and focus on the positive. In the Consciousness of Co-Creation our thoughts will manifest quickly, about every 20 days. We will be entering this phase in 2011. After this we will be entering our new cycle of Conscious Awareness after 2012. The best decoding of the Mayan Calendar that I have ever heard that explains all the levels of our conscious evolution is a DVD called >"The Mayan Calendar, The Evolution Continues" presented by Ian Xel Lungold. He has since passed on but has three DVD presentations available for purchase at They are all excellent. It is definitely worth the purchase if you are interested in a deeper understanding of where we have been and where we are headed.

So, trust your intuition. Listen to that inner voice inside you when discernig your choices. Don't worry, be happy. Live your life to the fullest and find love, peace, beauty and joy in every moment. Know the value of laughter and a good sense of humor, for it will get you far. See the positive in every situation. Get rid of the victim consciouness and fear based thoughts and choices. Seek out balance in your life. Find your center and take back your power. Have patience, for everything unfolds in the perfect hour. And most of all be flexible and always keep an open mind. May peace, love and joy be with you always.

- "Be happy while you're living, for you're a long time dead."
- Scottish Proverb

- "We must be the change we wish to see in the world."
- Gandhi
